
In a madcap spectacle that promises a completely new performance each night, the Edinburgh Fringe smash-hit where the audience step in for the cast of The Importance of Being Earnest returns for a UK tour of nearly 30 venues. Wilde’s much-loved play is delightfully derailed as audience members are asked to step into the spotlight to replace an ever-thinning cast, sparked by the lead actor playing Ernest failing to arrive on that famous cue. With stage whiskey being swapped, off-the-cuff auditions being held and portraits painted aplenty, ...Earnest? incorporates skilled slapstick and expert comic timing in this quintessentially British farce. Its innovative format aims to provide joy and connect audiences to their inner thespian.
The Importance of Being… Earnest? (now renamed to …Earnest?) premiered at Edinburgh Festival Fringe in 2021 and returned for the three years following. The hour-long production has been extended into a full two act run for the UK tour. So far, the show has cast almost 2,000 audience members, proving that everyone, no matter their background or experience, has a place in the spotlight. Audience members have shared stories of quitting their jobs to chase acting dreams, local individuals stepping onto the stage for the first time and becoming community stars, and even strangers finding love after being cast and meeting backstage.
Say It Again, Sorry? revolutionised theatre funding for …Earnest? by introducing micro-units, smaller, low risk, investment chunks that made investing accessible to first-time backers and those who typically contribute to crowd-funding campaigns. This inventive model ensured all investors saw a profit, regardless of unit size, encouraging repeat investment. It’s one of many ways Say It Again, Sorry? has broadened participation in their artistic and financial processes.
Director and co-writer Simon Paris said "We are very excited to bring ...Earnest? back to audiences across the country and share our unique blend of chaos, comedy, and heartfelt storytelling. This show celebrates the magic of live theatre- where anything can happen and often does. With its playful twists and interactive surprises, we invite audiences to step into a world where every moment is delightfully unpredictable."
Founded in 2018 by a group of friends, Say It Again, Sorry? is an award-winning (Derek Award for Best Comedy) interactive theatre company that aims to connect people to their inner artist and inspire creative expression in everybody. Their vision is for the public to recover ownership over their own creative power and contribute to the future of theatre as active participants, collaborators, and decision-makers.
Running Time: 120 mins (not inc interval) | Recommended for ages 12+